Friday, February 2, 2007

Studio: Preliminary Element Investigation II

One of the comments to my other Element post was to disengage floor from ceiling, so they aren't parallel or linked.

My thoughts were to have the ceiling act very cave-like on the lower levels, and become less deep and rugged as you move up through the space. The peaks pierce the floor surface to create areas where light can shine through.
Or, the ribbons could further break down into rippling waves, separating and coming back together.

Just a few further investigations of how the ceiling and floor can begin to disengage and act separately.
In general, I am not happy with the sketches and I am afraid I have bitten off too much, or am behind in the thought process for my element. Failing fast! More to come as I rethink this one.


Ellie said...


Absolutely no need to consider such a long stretch of the ribbon.


Focus on a small section (no bigger than 6'-0" long) and explore it at a detail level (i.e. composition of floor/layers of (ply)wood, openings/tears/pockets, infrastructure, display, etc.)

First develop 2-3 options for how to deal with the floor/ramp/stair condition as isolated conditions and then (if time allows) you can use that to inform you how to revise some of the larger moves in the project.

Anonymous said...

I thought you might be interested in this post about Failing Fast.

Granted, the author is from the software world, but I believe the points he makes about the importance of failing, and learning from our failures, are applicable to any field of study... especially those of a technical & creative nature.